Soma Practices
“love is the clearest expression of wholeness
generating trust, courage, compassion and solidarity” - Godfri
Embodied Resilience; a practice that is akin to a moving meditation and is especially suited to beginners. Learn the art of progressive instructions through the Dynamic Yoga Training Method; intelligent sequencing at it’s best and based on traditional yoga. Soma Therapy is based on the understanding and knowledge of the human body through studies of anatomy, physiology and pathology and practices are tailored to suit the individuals need. Restorative yoga to aid relaxation and to be present in the moment. Breathing and meditation techniques to bring about stability and peace. Soma soul, a freeform fluid practice to world music and Soma love based on the teachings of tantra. Or try Soma Private one to one sessions in the privacy of your own home?
Embodied Resilience
Embodied Resilience classes are suitable for beginners (or those wishing to deepen their practice). These classes use sensitivity to sensations within the moving practice of Somatic Retuning, journeying into the stillness and calmness of Somatic Intuning, and where possible into the sharing practice of Somatic Attunement.
You will be invited to feel these practices giving emphasis to the subtle over the intense, and intimacy with feeling whatever there is to be felt. Learn to simply give to your body, to connect with the deep strength and intelligence that you are, whilst being nourished and energised.
Experience meditation in motion, quietening down mind, soothing body and soul.
Dynamic Yoga
Dynamic Yoga recalibrates body and mind through repetitive systematic movements, via the intelligent sequencing of Vinyasa Krama (the art of progressive instruction). Within this practice the presence, power and implications of your spiritual nature become clear.
Based directly on the intelligent nature of the body, these movements have been chosen to bring you gradually into a deep, and nourishing stillness, with the potential for personal transformation and integration.
Experience a deep understanding of your body through this powerful methodology. Develop neuro-muscular pathways of integrity to support the vulnerability of your joints, nourishing you for the whole of your life.
Soma Deep Relax
Soma Deep Relax draws on Relaxation and Breathing Techniques, including mindful practices, Restorative Yoga and Yoga Nidra.
Deep Relax practices are an invitation to manage stress, reduce anxiety and to perhaps decrease your reliance on medications and other therapies.
Quieten down your mind and feel the sensations being generated by your body and be supported into deep relaxation through a variety of practices.
Soma Deep Relax can be practiced sitting or lying down using props to assist your body into being wholly supported, allowing muscles in your body to soften and release. Experience a deep sense of peace.
Soma Therapy
Soma Therapy to improve mental and physical health and self-care (for maintenance and prevention), for a specific issue, be it emotional, physical or physiological.
Because of its concentration on mind and body integration, soma therapy is effectively used to address many physical health issues such as musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, respiratory, neurological and metabolic disorders, quality of life for those with cancer, the management of pain; and also addresses psychological issues such as stress, post traumatic stress, and depression.
Henrietta has studied anatomy, physiology, pathology, Kinetic Therapy and TFH Kinesiology, and has done a course in Craniosacral Therapy. She offers a safe space for people to rediscover their inner existing wisdom; and uses a combination of breath work, somatic awareness, kinetic therapy, relaxation techniques, meditation, dialogue and such appropriate to the individual.