Climate Change
Posted on July 3, 2020 by Henrietta Brice-Smith
As we have now reached zero cases of Covid 19 in Jersey and the borders are reopening today, life as we know it, is starting to go back to some semblance of “normality”. Though going “back to normal” isn’t really an option for the wellness of our planet. We have seen that these past 3 months, nature has had a little bit of a chance to recover from human beings carbon footprint, with airplanes being grounded worldwide, our cars being parked in our drives. We are all looking forward to getting back into our gyms, to resume our exercise routines. However, if these past 3 months have served us of anything, it’s to look at the state that our planet is in and to start to implement changes in our behaviour and in our routines. We have pledged to use less plastic (though Covid has sadly been a great polluter). We need to think about how many holidays a year we really need to take where we board a plane, how many business trips need to be attended face to face? How many times we need to get into a car when we could go by bus, bicycle of even walk!
It is with this in mind that I am really keen to continue to teach classes and workshops online, to reduce my own carbon footprint, but also to reduce the footprint of others! Perhaps we don’t need to get into the car and drive to the gym 3 times a week, we could drive to the gym twice a week and do an online class once a week! For all those people who decided to wait until the virus passed to resume their exercise routine instead of perhaps thinking that Covid was an opportunity to perhaps do things a little differently, makes me feel that they have missed out in finding out a little more about themsleves, to realise that to spend time for yourself, on yourself doesn’t always have to mean getting into your car and going somewhere, it can be found in a quiet place within your home or your garden even, knowing that by doing this, you will have made a little change, not just for yourself but for the world and for animal and human kind….. Just a thought! 🙂